Queen Mary Quiz - 20 Questions

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There is no prize, it is just for fun, though if anyone gets them all right I shall be very impressed and they will deserve a prize of some sort.

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Question 1

Image 1
What is this room on the Queen Mary called TODAY?

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Question 2

Image 2
What is unusual about this picture taken on board the ship in 1967?

Your answer:

Question 3

Image 3
What is this room on the ship called today?

Your answer:

Question 4

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Which area did this hatch give access to?

Your answer:

Question 5

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What was this room (2nd class lounge) called when it was decorated rather loudly as above in the 60s?

Your answer:

Question 6

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This is the "Windsor Room" today on R Deck, but what was this area when the ship was in service?

Your answer:

Question 7

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This is a piece of the hull cut out of the ship during her conversion in Long Beach. What does "DQM" stand for?

Your answer:

Question 8

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What is the name of the ship in the above photo?

Your answer:

Question 9

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What piece of equipment is this "stump" the remains of?

Your answer:

Question 10

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What room did this shop (the "Land of Fruit & Nuts" today) used to be part of?

Your answer:

Question 11

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Why does this mural in the First Class Lounge have square "hatches" in it (just above the unicorns)?

Your answer:

Question 12

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Where does this doorway lead to?

Your answer:

Questions 13 and 14

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This photo was taken in the storage area of the Queen Mary today.

Where (which room) did the large red light fittings come from originally?

Your answer:

Which room did the large round light fitting on the right come from?

Your answer:

Question 15

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What attraction was housed in the dome next to the ship until a few years ago??

Your answer:

Question 16

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What was once attached to the ship's hull that left these square marks on her?

Your answer:

Question 17

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What was this room before it was used for chair and table storage by Long Beach?

Your answer:

Question 18

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Where does this door lead to (it is rarely used now)?

Your answer:

Question 19

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To which deck does the door on the left of this photo lead?

Your answer:

Question 20

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This model of the ship is in the L.A. Maritime Museum in San Pedro.

It starred in a famous movie. What was this movie called?

Your answer:

Extra Question, #21 - for serious QM devotees only!

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The last question - and the hardest ; it isn't strictly part of the quiz. You will only be able to answer this if you have a set of deckplans, but I know the hardened enthusiasts among you have them.

What room is to the right of the camera in this shot taken just before the area in question was torn out in the late 60s (I am showing the full image as I have it here)?

This took me a long time to work out, and I have included a higher quality copy of the shot for those who wish to zoom in on bits of it. Click here to view it.

Your answer:

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